Reflections of the Spring

This weekend I went to Fatima...
It was a start of some moments of reflection.
Climbing to an high mountain where we just can ear the birds singing, the whisper of wind in the tree's arms, seeing the grass dancing movements or a runnig fly of a bird, feeling the clouds on the face and the wet smell of the feathers brings to me a durable peace and quitness to my senses.
My coleague take this week off for hollydays so I'm alone in the office.
I've always the radio on but being alone brings me some silence thoughts that cannot be shared... just reflected...
It's curious that this reflective time, with the necessity of get into our heart, our soul, having an introspective actitude, it doesn't come at the cold, uncolored and dark months when the fall leaves the trees off of their dresses but come with the spring active movements of the birds, the butterflies, the flowers, the feathers, the sun, the life itselfs...
Why this time to stop, to close the eyes, to look deep inside of me?
I think all of this have a reason.
Only in this time we can discouver how all this beauty is reflected inside of me...
Discovering how can we have an active spirit movement,... an high sky looking throw the concept of our values,... a colored paint of our feelings,... a perfumed breath of our words... a perfect reticulated shape design of the main veins of our life.
It must exist a spring, at least, every year in our life. We must let the spring lead us to a new generated life...
That is what I will be praying for all next weekend in the silence of this joyfull, musical, unstopble spring time, by praying and directing all my atention to the One that created it and gave it all to us... to LIVE...

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