Tuesday, April 18, 2006


"Then she sees Jesus but does not recognize Him. Not until He speaks her name: "Mary". Then her eyes are opened."
Jn 20: 14-16

And so does are mine.
I believe there is this invitation in my soul:
I believie in this ressurrection of my life... Let back all the darkness of the world and get dressed of the life's light, of the whitness on our look and smile, of the clarity on our embrace or helping hand, of a crystal clear testify,... I believe.
I believe being possible to let a true trackable follow steps living way to the bright side of the life.
I believe that we can 'recome' to life in this sense of meaning... restart from nothing... get drunken on the higher love... When we give love... when we give ourselves in love we feel like a little ressurrection of our soul... when we give ourselves totally,... when I dye for myself and live for the other one... whatever it means... physical, psychological, professional, emotional, spiritual...
I Believe.
We do ressurrect to a new born living life, to the happiness of the love,... right in the middle of the happiness where the love is color, is breathe, is touch, is taste, is music, is all in all that we can LIVE.
I believe so much...
I do B LIVE!

"And so my heart rejoices
my soul is glad,
even my body shall rest in safety
for you will not leave my soul among the dead,
nor let you beloved know decay;
You will show me the path of life
the fullness of joy in your presence
at your right hand happiness for ever"
Psalm 16: 9-11


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