It's coming

Christmas time is coming once again. I like very much all the time before Christmas... the preparing time... It's when we prepare our heart to receive Him: the One that is coming. Because work, year by year, this time is reducing more and more; better, the time that I save to prepare is minor. And, by the consequence, the moment after Christmas it is awful to spend. It's like something that had happen and we didn't live it completely as we should.
The long afternoons, listening Christmas’s song from the old vinyl discs, decorating the tree and inside’s walls, picking up the little figures from the old big hood box , setting the lamps on, inside and outside the house,... I'm loosing all of this spirit... the spirit that keeps us tuned to the love and peace and all that values that we claim particularly for this time of the year. So, the Christmas day it is also a panic day because I have to live all of this things that I enjoy when I was a kid in less than 24 hours... and the clock doesn't stop. On the night of that day there is the strange feeling that everything had already over...
I want to make the things different, this year. I want to play from the start, I want to be a part of this contagious feeling of love and peace, and make it true all over me. May be I can't bring the peace to the world. I think it is important now bringing the peace inside me.
photo: emlino 2006
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